Basis of design quality: Order and Cleanliness
My grandmother said when I was just a child that no matter how modest is a home, as long as it is clean and tidy, it's beautiful. i dit not really understand it at that time, I imagined that is a comforting thought for those who can not afford too many. But with time, entering in several houses I realized how right she was. Free quality furniture and works of art,or the latest type of design, but if all is messy and crowded, nobody will notice.Nothing compares to a statue put in value in a place full of light, where everyone can see them and they can enjoy does not matter if you own the last type of furniture or the latest technology in the house because everyone will first se the scattered things in the house or thick dust on them.
As we can learn in the art of Feng Shui to have harmony in your home, things must bearranged with logic, you must have space so that positive energy flows and fills you. Some years ago I admit I did not know what the Feng Shui art was, but when I started reading and understanding it, I realized that, it's basis is: Order and Cleanliness.
Bazele unui design de calitate : Ordine și Curățenie
Bunica mea spunea cand eram eu copil ca nu conteaza cat de modesta este o casa, atat timp cat este este curata si ordonata, este foarte frumoasa. Nu prea intelegeam atunci, si imi imaginam ca este un gand de consolare pentru cei ce nu isi permit prea multe. Insa cu timpul, intrand in mai multe case am inteles cata dreptate avea. Poti avea mobilier de calitate si opere de arta, sau ultimul tip de design, insa daca toate sunt dezordonate si aglomerate, nimeni nu le va observa. Nimic nu se compara cu o statueta pusa in valoare intr-un loc plin de lumina, unde toata lumea ii poate observa formele si isi poate bucura ochiul. Dejeaba ai ultimul tip de mobilier sau ultima tehnologie in casa daca toata lumea se va lovi vizual de lucrurile imprastiate prin casa sau de praful gros de pe acestea.
Dupa cum ne invata si arta Feng shui, pentru a avea armonie in caminul tau, lucrurile trebuiesc asezate cu o logica, trebuie sa ai spatiu astfel incat energia pozitiva sa circule si sa te incarce pe tine, cel care vrei sa iti gasesti confortul si odihna. Recunosc acum ceva ani nici nu stiam ce inseamna arta Feng shui, insa cand am inceput sa citesc depre ea, am realizat ca are la baza acelasi lucru pe care mi-l spunea si bunica: Ordine si Curatenie.